Cougar Summers: Relaxing or Stressful?
As we approach almost a month into the school year, it’s time to reflect on summer. Whether it's mostly academics, vacation, relaxation, or a combination of all, summer looks different to everyone. Various factors affect summers whether it’s obligations or pressures, but are these factors ultimately positive or negative? At a younger age, a summer is typically relaxed and filled with innocence. Now, how does the increase in responsibilities, extracurriculars, and complexities of life affect summer if at all? Let's look at the Oakton student community from every grade’s perspective of summer and how it evolves with age.
Grace Harte (9) says she spent the majority of the summer “hanging out with friends.” Her goal for the summer was to “be more active” and she achieved that by joining the cross-country team. She also enjoyed a vacation, recalling, “I went on a cruise for a week”. Overall, she enjoyed her summer and expressed “It felt short and I was sad for school to start”.
When asked how she spent her summer overall, Alyson Nguyen (10) stated “It was half vacation and half just sleeping”. Although she expressed regret for not going out more at home, she describes her vacation “In Florida we went to the beach every day. I spent a lot of time with my family.” Alongside relaxation, she also started PSAT prep, “Asian parents you know.” Going back to school, she recalled, “I was really sad, but school’s fun now.” Overall, Alyson had her balance of rest, vacation, and academics during the summer, and despite having initial sadness entering the school year, she is now having fun.
Sophia Sentz (11) says her favorite part of summer was “hanging out with friends”, which she also spent the majority of summer doing. However, she expresses “ I wish I spent time preparing for math.” She felt some academic pressure, spending an hour or two a week on SAT prep. When asked about her goals, she stated “I wanted to reduce my screen time, which I mostly- partially- did because of hanging out with friends”. Sophia is feeling the pressure of the upcoming junior year but finds happiness in hanging out with friends- which also helped her achieve her goal of reduced screen time.
Kaitlyn Hoang (12) recalls spending most of her summer “with family and friends, and starting college apps.” Her goal was to “finish basic stuff for [her] college apps, including planning essays, finishing college lists, and taking the SATs.” She expresses “[summer] was kind of stressful, because that thought was always lingering in the back of my mind.” Kaitlyn reflects on her summer, “I wish I were a bit more productive, but I am glad my summer was somewhat relaxing.” Although the academic responsibilities in the college sense ramped up for Kaitlyn, she found relaxation and balance in her family and friends.
In conclusion, summer experience and goals depend on the person. There is no definite increase in school work or academic pressure during the summer every year with age, but depending on the goals and aspirations mixed with upcoming events like the SAT or PSAT, summer can turn from mostly relaxing to academic. Especially for seniors who have to prepare for college apps and their last year in high school. Every summer requires a balance, especially quality time with family and friends. Although most were sad for school to start, retaining that family and friends factor can help one get through the school year. It’s time to switch into school mode, only 180 days to get through in the school year!